Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tick Tock Tick Tock
placed BY Lexi at 11:04 AM 12 SAY SOz
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Me And Anna:)
Monday, April 28, 2008
Me n Ash:)
YEA she WAS killing me!!!!!!! LOL
AWWWWW how cute!!!
Dear Ash,
I love you soooo much! I decdided to dedicate a post to you since you dedicated a post to me! Lol don't we look just sooooo cute in these pics well at least I do LOL jk jk!!! don't hit me please!!! I don't wanna bring it on!:( lol jk hahaha memories!! even if they DO hurt hehehe
I love you STUPID!!
It's time to understand who we are!
Bro. Bradley Smith preached an awesome message this Sunday night out of Judges 7:9-15!! The tital was "It's time to understand who we are". We need to understand that we are children of God and not Johnny come latelys( Bro. Smith's exact words:) Bro. Smith gave a really good example about how it's not about us but about the Holy Ghost within us using a gun for show: The bullet is not the power of the weapon but it is the ENERGY!!!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Things I bet you were DYING to know about me:)
* I am lexi:) duhhhhhh
* I am 15
* My 16th birthday is January 20th YAY
* I HATE bananas ughhhhhhhhhhh
* I love pizooki from bj's mmmmmmm
* I love being nice to everyone LOL seriously I couldn't be mean to my worst enemy
* I hate saying the word... No.... lol yesterday Ashley gave me a hug cuz I told someone "NO" they couldn't borrow my jacket hehehe YAY ME!!!
* I love doing my hair so outrageously funky that no1 else would DARE to do it lol
* My passion is SHOPPING!!!!
* I have an 8 gb iPhone yaya
* I have an awesome HUGE and full walk in closet!!!
* I have a BFF not a BF but a BFF :) hehe
* I love having anyone and everyone spend the nioght at my house lol even if there weird!! It makes it moreeeeeeee interesting haha
* I really do LOVE going to church!!!!
* I have a HUGE range of friends!! such as my kind aka: prep lol, gagsters lol I LOVE THEM!!!, nerds R soooo FUNNY i love them too!!!, skaters, yea we tite like that:) and everyone else!!!
* Music- I drive my family crazy!!
* and my #1 thing actually a person... JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Jonsersons:)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Boy's club Baseball
It has begun:) My little brother Austin has had his first game and won!!! (I taught him everything he knows) lol and today at 10 am we have baseball again but I don't think Austin's playing today so I'll hold off on congradulating him haha C U THERE!!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Ever feel like dumping your trash???
Bible Quizzing
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
God Has NOT Forgotten!
We all think of the song "You are not forgotten" as just another song we sing but when I think about it, it has so much meaning! The words say, "You are not forgotton, God knows your name" this is so true! I've learned that through everything I go through, even when I feel like God left me, he was always there. He was simply making me stronger and preparing me for other trials that WILL eventually come! So just remember GOD HAS NOT FORGOTTEN!!! :)
I'm going to Germany in September!!! WoO hOo!!! I can not wait cuz I am going to see my family (the jones') there!! I can't believe I've even lasted this long without them but I still have 5 months:( lol but I'll be ok because it will all be worth it once I get there!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My FIrst Post:)
Hello Everyone!! This is my first post!! YAY lol well actually I don't know what I'm going to post on this thing so I'll have to figure that out as I go along hehe well neways hope you have a blast on my blog!! :)