Wednesday, April 23, 2008

God Has NOT Forgotten!

We all think of the song "You are not forgotten" as just another song we sing but when I think about it, it has so much meaning! The words say, "You are not forgotton, God knows your name" this is so true! I've learned that through everything I go through, even when I feel like God left me, he was always there. He was simply making me stronger and preparing me for other trials that WILL eventually come! So just remember GOD HAS NOT FORGOTTEN!!! :)

5 SAY SOz:

Anna said...

Everything He does has a purpose and we may never understand but He will never forget or leave us... you are so awesome Lexi!!! Love you :)

Lexi said...

that is so true anna! And I look up to you for everything I do so if I'm awesome its cuz your awesome!! I love you too! :)

Jessica said...

So true :)
Luv ya Lexi

James Wilder said...

Hey Lexi!

Great song with a deep message! It's deep.... God hasn't forgotten about you. There's 7 Billion people in the world, and God still knows your name!

How encouraging!

Lexi said...

Hey James!
I know that song is really deep and it makes me feel so special and loved to know that God knows me personally when I don't deserve it. :)