Thursday, May 1, 2008

Favorite Dates!!!

Does anyone have a favorite date or something that has happened that was so touching or so life changing that you remember the date?????? This seems like a good topic:) lol

8 SAY SOz:

Lexi said...

My favorite and most memorable date is April 15, 2008. This ones more recent but it was my most life changing experience!! Bro. Joe preached that Tuesday night service and we had a prayer line and I recieved confirmations and calling I never had before. I WON"T EVER FORGET IT!!!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite date is the same as you. I got touched really well. And I WILL NEVER FORGET IT!!!!!

Jessica said...

mine was november 25 2007 it was a sunday night. I will never forget that service. God touched me in a very special way.

Yea that tuesday night was life changing. I will never forget that service either.

Ashley said...

I forget the date, but it was when the missionary from Greece preached a Tuesday night service. It was awesome. & Our last Sunday night service where everyone was still praying for like an hour after service. Oh, & there's also August 22nd, 2007♥

Aubrey said...

my favorite date is april,26,2008 i will never forget it my life was fliped upside dwn nd im nt turning bck!! life is so short nd i thank god that he brought me bck before the time is up!!!

alli:) said...

Yeah Lexi i have to say that was very special...i will never forget it!!!

Stephanie Lane said...

My favorite service was the first night of the old time revival with Bro. Buxton!!! omw!! I was tremendously touched by God that night!!!

Jennifer Connell said...

Yeah Sept. 12th 1999 I got the Holy Ghost! IT was the best ever...oh and this year at no limits (March 7th) during the ordination service, I felt God talking to me and putting a greater calling on my life...and he's been working on me since. Whoo hoo. =)